The digital ecosystem of POMINI Long Rolling Mills: a new reality for the industrial plants
The widespread diffusion of the internet, mobile devices, ever faster connections, the digital push to which the world has been subjected in recent years, have created an era of uninterrupted information exchange...
read more ⟶Now live the website of POMINI Long Rolling Mills
POMINI Long Rolling Mills is happy to announce the launch of its website.
read more ⟶Amreli Steels, Pakistan successfully operates the bar mill supplied by POMINI Long Rolling Mills
It successfully operates the bar mill supplied to Amreli Steels Ltd., a rebar steel producer based in Karachi, Pakistan.
read more ⟶ERT-EBROS billet welding system successfully operating at Ferriera Valsabbia
The ERT-EBROS billet welding system supplied by POMINI Long Rolling Mills is successfully operating at Ferriera Valsabbia's bar rolling mill in Odolo (Brescia, Italy).
read more ⟶POMINI Long Rolling Mills is building the upstream mill for the new wire rod mill of Kaptan
POMINI Long Rolling Mills is currently building the upstream rolling mill for the new wire rod outlet of Kaptan Demir Çelik (Kaptan Iron & Steel), part of the Kaptan Group, contracted to Primetals Technologies earlier this year.
read more ⟶POMINI Long Rolling Mills builds a new bar rolling mill for Pak Steel, Pakistan
POMINI Long Rolling Mills is currently building a new bar rolling mill for Pak Steel, Pakistan, which will be installed in the Hattar Special Economic Zone (HSEZ), in Khyber Pakhthunkwa province.
read more ⟶POMINI Long Rolling Mills part of Callista Group
POMINI Long Rolling Mills has become part of Callista Group which acquired 100% of its shares from Primetals Technologies, Limited.
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